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Jim Costa

Jim’s Daily Rant. We Have Been Trained To Not Do Critical Thinking; The Holocaust.

Updated: Jun 14

This morning I saw this 9 minute Video, Critical Thinking would collapse the West? It suggests we have been trained to not do Critical thinking, especially in certain areas.

I have always believed this is true. I saw it with my own eyes as a young teenager. I rebelled against it and began questioning everything. This caused me to begin seeing the world differently for others.

Yesterday my wife and I saw the doctor together for our annual medical checkup. I asked for a prescription of anti-anxiety medicine for her. Its not for her but for extended family that might freak out as the collapse reveals our true history and some might not be able to adjust to it.

To see if you are as prepared yourself as you can be, I suggest you try this exercise.


Let’s pick a subject that will be hard for you emotionally to critically analyze but at the same time simple to do so. I am speaking of the WWII Holocaust story.

It will be hard emotionally to address because most of us are born in a christian country and the christian upbringing and the old Testament tells us that the Jews are “gods chosen people” and to speak bad of them might be an insult to god. Therefore, we are trained to not critically think about this.

It will be easy to disprove because I have outlined the key points of my research 8 years ago that disproved it to me. In fact, I found not a single fact that proved it. So I am going to suggest you review my outline attached and pick a single point and disprove it. If you can find a single mistake in my research and conclusion, then consider my entire conclusion wrong.


When I did my research 8 years ago, all search engines as well as Amazon books gave me no leads as to it being a hoax. So I built a table of possible leads an did my own research.

A few weeks ago Clif High introduced a new search engine,, which is more open and faster. Today I used it and got five pages of information and articles. So if you are tired of my outline writing go here: Yandex Search: Link

The bottom line is if you cannot take a critical look at the Holocaust for yourself, You are probably going to have a stressful reaction to the disclosures about to hit humanity soon.

If you think I am joking, yesterday I did indeed order Valium type medication for my extended family if needed.

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