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Jim’s Daily Rant. Ida’s Legal Forms.

Jim Costa

The wealthiest bankers in the world have been said to be the Rothschild family. Their Grand-Daddy got their wealth for them by thinking.

He knew that Napoleon lost the war to take over all of Europe and nationalize businesses on Monday morning, June 19, 1815. He went to the stock market and was the only one bending over backwards to purchase stocks from European companies when the entire room was desperate to sell. The room though he had gone mad and eagerly stood in line to sell their worthless shares to him at vastly discounted prices.

Within a half hour Rothschild had purchased it all. After the half hour after opening, the entire room received the news that Napoleon had been beaten at Waterloo and was forever beaten. What the room didn’t know was Rothschild was smart enough to pay a man with carrier pigeons to send him news of the battle’s outcome before everybody else got it!

Now let’s fast forward to the day of the internet. There was a stay at home Paralegal by the name of Ida ?? who lived on a main highway with a large sign in front of her home that read “Ida’s Legal Forms”. Before photo copy machines were affordable, she inventoried all sorts of blank legal forms.

I was told not only did she sell them but she offered ideas on how one might complete them that served your best interest. She had no competition and made a killing.


It is all going to collapse within three months, for sure. How can that foreknowledge give you an edge?


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