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Jim’s Daily Rant. Given A 30 Day Notice, Can Our World Instantly Become The World Jesus & Buddha Described?

Jim Costa

I say overwhelmingly “Yes”. If you listened to yesterday’s SG Anon Update 9.23.2024 – Incredible! This is What’s Happening!, you will know where this is heading.

SG had two guest speakers, both long time experts on the births of Cryptos and the Quantum Financial system with its block-chain technology. They were there as the birth was happening and they both give an amazingly simple view of the power and history of Blockchain and Bitcoin technology, in plain English.

Halfway through the audio it was pointed out that the creator of Bitcoin theorized that for it to successfully free humanity from the Banksters, it had to incubate unnoticed by them for ten years.Then it would be too big and accepted by the world for the Banksters to attack it. And that is what happened, Bitcoin got its unmolested growth period.

Then the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) defined securities and Cryptos in a manner that outlaws the Banksters from creating their own cryptos. If they did, they are automatically creating fraud, per se. And that is where all of their crypto creations are today, fraud on their non- Bitcoin crypto owners. Be warned. You can sue the Banksters and win but if they are bankrupt what do you get? Both guests agree the Banksters are exposed to a Trillion Dollar fraud.

They also explained that True Bitcoin type money, not controlled by a central party, prevents fraud, greed and corruption because it turns the world into a truth only venue. Any fraud and greed is immediately exposed to the world, a world that will have to reject those selfish persons from using the money in the future. They will be banished from all enterprise except barter.

This article came out July 27, 2024 Trump at Bitcoin 2024: Vows to Make US the Bitcoin Superpower, Plans to Fire SEC Chair Gensler. Then last night, Dave at X22 Report said this in his recap “He will bring back manufacturing and he is now talking about paying off the debt with crypto.Source

When I read this it hit me like ton of bricks. What if the new President of the Republic were to start transacting all of its business in non-centralized Bitcoin?

It Would Cause the Entire Country to Walk Around In Total Transparency, Causing:

1) Moving the world exclusively in uncontrolled money;

2) Anyone committing a crime or fraud with Bitcoin would be caught by society itself, not the government or police. If sued they cannot prove it wasn’t fraud because the evidence is there.

3) If the FBI, CIA, DOJ, DOD, et al were to be paid monthly in bitcoin, they would have to spend it in their endeavors.

No one would have to fire them by downsizing or devolution.

They would haul ass as fast as they could get out the door.

Their sick game on humanity would be over forever.

4) As the speakers said, the world users would be the ultimate guarantors of the Bitcoin type money. If they keep it honest then all people are wealthy. If they allow it to remain fraud then they deserve what happens to humanity again. We have to evolve to knowing we cannot get wealthy off of slaves, as we all then become slaves ourselves.

5) What about the 30 Day Notice? If a government Department or a vendor gets his 30 day spending allotment in a non-central Bitcoin spotlighting them, how long will it take them

to straighten up and do right?


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