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Jim’s Daily Rant. Flush and Peppermint. Where Are We Headed Now?

Jim Costa

Paul Craig Roberts said it best in today’s podcast Every Vote For A Democrat Is An Attack On America.

America has only one enemy–the Democrat Party, an anti-American party, an anti-white party, a party of national destruction and replacement of America with a Tower of Babel, a party committed to the destruction of normality and its replacement with Sodom and Gomorrah perversity, an ideological party alienated from the country it is destroying.
It uses the taxpayers’ money to attack America. A $375 Billion EPA slush fund handled by John Podesta gave billions of dollars to “charities” founded to collect the money and use it to undermine the United States.

This is where we are today. See: It's a VERY DIRE SITUATION…

ELON MUSK: "The reason I am putting so much effort into this is that I think it is a very dire situation. It's not optional. America is going bankrupt and that just can't happen."

Our global Financial System as well as the US government are insolvent, been so since 2007 and now is unsustainable. The word “unsustainable” means it must end. It was caused by massive fraud and is only now still appearing as healthy through now more massive amounts of fraud. This is the very definition of a Ponzi Scheme.

Trump was brought in to navigate us through a soft landing bankruptcy. I originally felt he would inherit a full-out hard bankruptcy but I was wrong. Trump is maneuvering the US. for a negotiated work-out and no one knows where this will end. But the end is where we are headed.Probably much of our debt will be forgiven. Probably we will see massive inflation for a short time and then all will settled down globally. But all in all, our lives will at first seem strange and even uncertain.

Today DABOO77 may have hit on it in Get Ready For A World Currency. Fed Is About To Roll Out New Cross Border Infrastructure. He is saying it was supposed to be out March 10th but now is postponed to July, 2025.

Is he right? Does it really Matter?

All we know is soon we will be stepping off one of Elon Musk's rocket ship rides into a new world on earth that we will have to struggle to learn an hopefully thrive in.


As we step off some of us will be prepared for utter newness. Some of us will be suffering from guilt that we were a part of the horrible and disgusting world we just left. All of us will have to learn to live and let go of the past. If not, many of us will die in sadness.

Upon stepping out, all of us must flush the toilet, get that shitty taste out of our mouths and never look back at it again. We must all forgive ourselves.


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