'Morning! Just finished my morning routine and was just reminiscing my life.
After getting my degree I went to night school another fifteen years. I was able to do it because of my morning routine – I usually got up between 4 and 6 AM to get my school work done so it wouldn’t interfere with family. It’s a habit I can’t break in retirement.
I get up, research and post, then write a Rant if I get anything. Then I have breakfast and clean the kitchen and lay out Betty’s coffee. While perfecting the kitchen I saw that it stormed during the night. This reminded me of another storm we weathered together.
We had a hot tub in a homemade Florida room with two fish ponds outside of it that we created. She has always enjoyed her fish as they calm her so much. We were boiling our butts one night discussing how the kids and dogs were winning the house.
Suddenly she jumped out and ran to check on her fish. She was alarmed at all the frog noises we were hearing. She said there were many in the water and was afraid they would disrupt the water chemistry and kill her fish. I just sat there wondering where we might find another house.
The outside lights weren’t on when she grabbed a crab net and blindly dipped in the dark water. With proud glee she announced she got a “Two fer’. We always knew anything I could do my Baby could do better. She delighted in that every blind scoop yielded two frogs over the fence.
When the super deed was done, she returned to the boiling at hand. It was then that I reminded her of the afternoon thunderstorm and that frogs mate in celebration. It turned out that Baby didn’t need her super-powers after all.
She could have at least offered them a cigarette afterward.