Let's Hope This Is Acting Weak When Strong, otherwise it looks like there is No Plan, just chaos. From Master C. Miller:
Martial law plans have been handed to President Trump.
3 red folders
3 different scenarios
Trump refuses all three plans
https://t.me/s/MasterCMiller/1890 and the next one, #1891.
Then add this Ace of Spades Trump Card pic captioned, "Incoming":
Snippy chimes in with a crumb from behind the Remote Viewer's paywall. They see a SCOTUS play in January. "Remote viewers see major Supreme Court ruling near future. Could it be?":
I would think open martial law would be required as part of the Brunson play as both the Byedone Administration and Congress would be completely shutdown until the crap is sorted out. It appears the DS is shoveling the "crap goes down on Byedone" over into Trump's Chapter 3 so The Script must be undergoing edits on the fly - Game Theory. The Brunson Card may need to be played today or early tomorrow while the maximum number of 2020 Congress critters are still on stage. Plus, the table needs to be set and ready for Carter's Mandela event. The possibilities are endless so make up your own scenario.
Never thought we would need so much popcorn...