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Jim Costa

From Jeff - 7 Kingdoms?

Note the 7 color coded regions in "The $100 Trillion Global Economy in One Chart":

The updated 2023 chart.  The Middle East situation makes a bit more sense after looking at these charts with 7 Kingdoms in mind.

Past predictions for 7 Kingdoms are again making the rounds in updated form.  Today Trump has a shopping cart full of geographical regions he'd like to "buy" for the US: Canada, Greenland, Panama Canal, and likely many more not shown in this amusing post that is going viral on the news blogs.

This post of 7 World Alliance and Kingdom leaders doesn't match up exactly with the linked charts but it's very close:

Montauk survivor Stewart Swerdlow also suggests that nations of the world are being herded into 3 super unions plus other lesser unions. His description roughly agrees with the 7 Kingdoms scenario.  A video link is provided for reference but the linked charts are more convenient to get the general idea.  His 3 main regions are obvious on the charts.

American Patriot [main course for this rant]:

"Australia. Canada. Pacific Islands. Will be under the USA Kingdom. As in the biblical times. On earth. There are to be 7 Kingdoms. Kings that will control the militaries on the planet. The masses will have limited Republic Governments in their respected countries. No more Communist. Socialist. Marxist Governments of any kind. Countries will become Republics. The Kings of those territorial Kingdoms will be sure these governments operate in the manner and the oath that they were elected for BY THE PEOPLE. OF THE PEOPLE. FOR THE PEOPLE. If not. A system of their removal is in place. Not to mention dire consequences."

There are many other posts on the 7 Kingdoms scenario including one more detailed than the preceding summary that I can no longer find.  The scenario suggests that The Great American Experiment of 1776 is being expanded globally but all republics will still be controlled by invisible layers above - hidden hands of all powerful entities that most will never encounter.  In other words, our upper shadow gumment will still be around after The Reset.  Looking ahead, if Earth is to join our galactic neighbors in commercial commerce and space travel then we will eventually need a one world government to represent us.  Earthlings are not ready for that scenario.

Bonus Link:

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