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  • Jim Costa

Jim’s Rant For The Day. Churchin For Food – Part II. Food Banks.

This past week my my wife and I visited several church food banks on behalf of extended families that worked and could not attend for themselves. Betty used her own ID and family information.

Each church we applied for gave us enough food to feed dinner for two weeks for our 4 adults and 1 child. We received whole chickens, partial chickens, T-bone steaks and ham. We received lots of spaghetti noodles and sauces, rice, canned soups, jelly, crackers, canned beans, candy, nuts, cereals, Mac & Cheese, etc.

Each church stressed that we must wait 30 days before returning. All asked for picture ID, number living in the home, number over 60 and number under 18. If a church was using Dept. of Agriculture as source of foods, they also asked if the family annual income was under $40,000. Note that several families can be in one car and apply.

During the week we visited four churches. On Saturday one church started at 7 AM but we thought they started at 9 AM. They were closing when we visited. The second started at 9 AM and at 9 AM there was a line three blocks long. We passed it up. It appears it is best to visit a church during the week. This coming week there are two more that we might visit.

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